506 S Hunt Club Blvd, Apopka, FL 32703

How to Prepare for a Dance Summer Intensive

How to Prepare for a Dance Summer Intensive

How to Prepare for a Dance Summer Intensive


Summer intensives are crucial for any aspiring dancer. It provides an opportunity for students to experience a more focused training environment, as well as experience dance styles that might not be available in their regular classes. However, summer intensives can be physically and mentally demanding. That's why it's important to prepare well in advance. In this blog post, we'll be sharing some tips on how to prepare for a dance summer intensive.


Start Early

It's never too early to start preparing for your summer intensive. Ideally, you should start at least 3-4 months before the program starts. This will give you enough time to work on your strengths and weaknesses, and improve your stamina and flexibility. Start with an exercise routine that focuses on building strength and flexibility. You can also start taking more classes in your preferred dance styles.

Get Your Body Ready

Summer intensives require a lot from your body, and it's important to get your body ready for the physical demands of the program. This means taking care of your body by eating well, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep. You should also consider cross-training, such as swimming, Pilates, or yoga, to improve your flexibility and prevent injury.

Plan Your Wardrobe

Make sure you have the right dance attire for your summer intensive. Check with the program's dress code and make sure you have the necessary dance shoes, leotards, tights, and other accessories. It's always better to have a few extra pairs of shoes and outfits, in case of emergencies or unexpected weather changes.

Prepare Mentally & Emotionally

Summer intensives can be physically and emotionally exhausting, and it's important to prepare your mind and emotions for the challenges ahead. Set realistic goals for yourself, and be prepared to work hard. It's also a good idea to take some time to reflect on your intentions for attending the program, and to remind yourself of your passion for dance.

Enjoy the Experience

Lastly, remember to enjoy the experience. Summer intensives offer a unique opportunity to meet dancers from all over the world, experience new dance styles, and learn from world-class instructors. Make the most of your time there, and don't forget to have fun!



Attending a summer intensive can be an unforgettable experience, but it requires a lot of preparation and hard work. By starting early, taking care of your body, planning your wardrobe, preparing mentally and emotionally, and enjoying the experience, you can make the most out of your summer intensive. And if you're looking for a dance studio in Apopka to help you prepare for your summer intensive, contact 3D Motion Dance Center to sign up for a free trial class today.